Macros files Tag files Monitors files It is not a real cvs command but it’s provided for convenience. This option will send to the trash the specified files and will ask the cvs server to update them. (you can use the “Put Away” option of the Finder to recover them…) Asks the cvs server the current status of the specified file(s) (modified, locked, etc.) Requests the cvs server the item's history (comments, revision numbers, tags, etc.) Uses the Log Window as output. Executes a Diff command that compares the specified file(s) on your local repository with an arbitrary version present on the cvs server repository. Moves the specified file(s) in the Attic directory on the cvs server repository. Such files can be retrieved later. Adds the specified file(s) to the cvs server repository, transferring in a binary mode. You must Commit them for changes to actually take effect. Adds the specified file(s) to the cvs server repository. You must Commit them for changes to actually take effect. Sends out the specified file(s) from your local directory to the cvs server repository. You may want to Update beforehand in order to merge the changes that might be needed. Gets the latest version of the specified file(s) from the cvs server repository to your local checkout directory. Commands concerning the files…